Prontius Laboratories


From costumer's request to accurate results delivery, our quality management system is designed to detect, reduce or correct possible analytical deficiencies; therefore, we can assure certainty and reliability of the results, always under a process of continuous improvement.

Our strategy is direct user service, achieving resources and capital save, valuable for our clients and ourselves.

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Frequent Questions

Check the following list of frequently asked questions about our services and technical aspects.

What is an Authorized Third Party?

They are persons authorized by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) to support the authority in health control and surveillance through the performance of various analytical tests, sampling and / or verification acts or to perform studies of bioequivalence and / or bioavailability.

Source: Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks

What is the 17025 certification?

ISO 17025 Certifications is applied to a testing or calibration laboratory in order to verify technical and human capacity of the Organization to perform the activity object of the scope of the accreditation.

Source: Mexican entity of accreditation A.C. Site

What is the certification of Good Laboratory Practices GLP)?

They are a quality assurance system, related to the way in which non-clinical safety studies relating to health and the environment are organized in terms of how they are planned, executed, controlled, recorded, filed and disseminated.

The objective of These Principles is to promote the quality of data collection in tests of the studies conducted in the country, assuring the Integrity and quality of the data, being the basis of the mutual acceptance of the afore mentioned data (MAD) among the various member countries. The which states that "the safety data generated in a member country will be accepted in another OECD Member country for use by the registration authorities in evaluating chemicals or other products" in order to avoid evidence duplication.

Source: Mexican entity of accreditation A.C. Site

What amount of sample do I need to send?

The minimum sample amount will depend on the requested analyzes from the client. This will be specified in the quote.

How are the samples sent?

  • The requirements for sending samples can be found in our service policy.
  • Make sure that the amount of sample sent meets the minimum required in the quote.
  • Identify the sample with name, lot number, expiration date and storage conditions.
  • The sample must be sent in a perfectly sealed container, ensuring that there is no spill on the way to the laboratory.
  • If you booked the service to determine the shelf life of a product, you must send 2 samples with the amount mentioned in the quote.
  • The documents must be isolated from the samples.

What is the address for sending the samples and at what time do they receive them?

  • You can find this information in our service policy.
  • The address is Andador 11 este No. 7-B Col. Civac, Jiutepec, Morelos. C.P. 62578
  • Hours of reception of samples: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Where do I pay for the tests I require?

  • Payments for our services can be made in cash, transfer or check payable to Prontius Laboratorios S.A. of C.V.
  • Bank: BANCOMER / Account: 0189369619 Clabe interbancaria: 012543001893696191 RFC: PLA110518LB5

What are the essential requirements to start the studies?

  • For the Honey Safety service

  • Signed service policy, having received the sample, request for analysis and Proof of payment.

  • For the service of Chemical properties in pesticides

  • Have received the sample, authorized or accepted studies documentation, safety sheet, Quality Certificate and Proof of payment.

We have a highly qualified and motivated Team

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Establish ourselves globally as a solid company, working and training as a unified team with respect and values; meet quality standards as well as national and international regulations, generating a high added value service and innovation.


Bring accuracy and reliability in our analysis services, guaranteeing quality standards; contributing with our country proposing tailor-made solutions to our customers, environmentally friendly and promoting sustainable development.

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Prontius Laboratorios S.A. de C.V.

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¡Nos interesa saber su opinión!

Para Quejas y Sugerencias ponemos a su disposición nuestro correo electrónico; y nuestras líneas telefónicas: +52 (777) 3 09 23 81 / 3 09 27 81 / 3 09 16. Para nosotros es muy importante sus comentarios acerca de los servicios brindados y la experiencia obtenida.

¡Ayúdenos a mejorar su experiencia con nuestros servicios!

Prontius Laboratorios, S.A. de C.V. está comprometido con sus clientes, nuestro servicio se apega a lo establecido en la Norma NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2018, Ley de Infraestructura de la Calidad (LIC), al Reglamento de la Ley Federal sobre Metrología y Normalización y las normas de nuestro alcance. No obstante el cliente, cuando lo considere pertinente, tiene la oportunidad de inconformarse mediante el siguiente proceso:

El solicitante emite de manera escrita la descripción de su queja, después de emitido el informe de resultados por cualquier medio de comunicación.

Al recibir la queja, el laboratorio debe confirmar si se relaciona con las actividades de laboratorio de las que es responsable, y en caso afirmativo, tratarla.

El personal que recibe la queja turna la queja al Gerente del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en 1 día hábil a más tardar.

El Gerente del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, analizará el caso en conjunto con el personal involucrado y le dará el encause adecuado.

El plazo entre la recepción de la queja, y la resolución no deberá ser mayor a 10 días hábiles.

En caso de que el solicitante no estuviera de acuerdo con la respuesta emitida podrá manifestarlo por escrito incluyendo documentos de apoyo, el Gerente del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad remitirá copia a quién emitió la respuesta para que en un plazo no mayor a 5 días hábiles se le rinda un informe justificado de su actuación. Los plazos para resolver las disputas que presenten los interesados, serán de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 164 de la Ley de Infraestructura de la Calidad.

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